|  | 2023 Iowa Electric Generation: Condition of the State |
| This month IEC released the fourth annual Iowa Electric Generation: Condition of the State report, which analyzes Iowa's power sector and identifies the challenges and opportunities our state faces in our generation resources. Highlights include a significant increase in Iowa's renewable energy mix with 64% of demand satisfied by renewables, up 9% from last year. With this kind of increase, it is clear that reaching 100% clean energy by 2030 is possible. Yet a major obstacle to this goal is the continued operation of aging, polluting coal plants by Iowa's utilities. The report details the financial costs of this fossil generation, as well as the physical and environmental toll these facilities place on Iowans and even crop yields. The report adds more evidence to the case that the utilities own internal studies have found: these coal plants are no longer economically or environmentally feasible to keep in operation. Read the full report online or watch the webinar, hosted on September 20, on demand. Then learn more and register for our next webinar Flip the Switch: How Iowa Utilities Leave Us All in the Dark on Monday, October 16. We'll dig deeper into utility planning and how it impacts our energy rates, and show you what you can do to ensure Iowa utilities provide clean, reliable generation at fair, reasonable rates. |
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| |  | IEC joins others in calling for IRPs in ratemaking study The second of three charrettes in the IUB's state utility ratemaking study took place this week, and IEC has been pleased to see that all parties involved - other than the utilities, of course - are calling for integrated resource plans. IRPs are standard practice for utilities in many other states. Among other things, this type of planning requires the utility to consider customer generation needs when building, rather than simply building what it wants. Learn more about IRPs, what's happening in the ratemaking study, and how you can get involved by registering for IEC's Flip the Switch webinar on Monday, 10/16. |
 | Linn Co. Solar Ordinance improves, opportunities remain Linn County Supervisors approved an updated solar ordinance last week, with changes reflecting many of IEC's and our labor partners' comments. Proposed solar projects will need to score at least 100 points on a 'scorecard,' which includes a variety of development criteria such as CSR rating, panel height, and more. The supervisors also made improvements to sound measurement requirements, soil testing, cover crops, and more. While pleased with the changes, IEC still opposes the use of CSR in considering solar projects and we have identified other improvements to continue to discuss with county leaders. |
 | How clean energy is boosting rural Iowa Recent reports are revealing just how much clean energy is contributing to the bottom line in rural Iowa. A story from Public News Service highlighted that wind turbines in Worth County have delivered more than $172 million for the locality. The Center for Rural Affairs report Windswept Fields of Opportunity: Iowa Wind Energy County Tax Impacts, published in July, shared case studies from three Iowa counties. The report highlights tax revenues and the projects those tax dollars funded in local communities such as historical site renovations, downtown revitalization projects, school funding, road improvements, and more. |
| | Watch Now: Coal in Siouxland Event Recap |
|  | On September 6, IEC and Clean Up MidAm partners Iowa Interfaith Power & Light, Sierra Club Beyond Coal, and Great Plains Action Society convened more than 25 local residents in the Sioux City area for the Coal in Siouxland event. IEC staff presented to an eager crowd about the impact of MidAmerican Energy's operation of two local coal plants on the air and water quality in the area and answered attendees' questions. Watch this short recap video to learn what we heard from local folks at the event, and how you can get involved in calling on MidAmerican to make a plan to close down their wasteful, expensive, and unnecessary coal plants in Iowa. |
| |  | Join IEC and partners at Confluence Brewing Company in Des Moines for a Grow Solar Power Hour on Tuesday, October 3. You'll learn the basics of how solar works, hear about the incentives and cost-savings associated with solar, and find out how our group buying program can help you go solar for less. RSVP for this free event on 10/3. |
 | The IUB is currently conducting a state-mandated review of its utility rate-making laws, which will impact how MidAmerican Energy, Alliant Energy, and other Iowa utilities charge customers. Join us on 10/16 for a free webinar where we'll discuss what's happened so far in the process and what IEC and our partners are pushing for. Register today to join us 10/16. |
 | Join us for IEC's third annual Wild & Scenic Film Fest on Sunday, 11/5! Be inspired by exciting and insightful short films and a panel discussion featuring local Iowans on clean energy, environmental protection, clean water, and more! See the film list and look at our new ticket pricing for 2023, then get your tickets to join us at the Varsity Cinema on 11/5! |
| | | | 505 Fifth Ave. Suite 850 Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2317 515-244-1194 |