On April 23, IEC and featured expert guests will begin our four-part webinar series focusing on climate resiliency and preparedness. This series, Understanding Iowa's Changing Climate, will kick off with a conversation about the relationship between climate and agriculture.
This free webinar will include background on Iowa's industrial agricultural landscape, an overview of how climate change can impact farms and fields, a special presentation from former USDA Midwest Climate Hub Coordinator Laurie Nowatzke, and time for a Q&A from the audience.
Attendees will also get access to the Climate Change and Environmental Health map, a web-based tool highlighting more than 45 different environmental pollutants, climate change threats, and public health data points for Iowa communities. For farmers and agriculturalists, this data is especially relevant.
Understanding Iowa's Changing Climate
Wednesday, April 23, 2025
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
The event is free to attend. Zoom login info will be sent when you register. Can't make it for the live event? Register to attend and a recording will be made available to view later at your convenience.
Questions? Contact us at iecmail@iaenvironment.org.