Tell the DSM City Council: Insist on a Franchise Agreement that Serves Our Climate Goals
Des Moines residents and community leaders took a bold step in 2021 to show their commitment to leading on climate action by passing a resolution calling for 24/7 carbon-free electricity by the year 2035. City leaders, including our mayor, have received national acclaim for this effort.
The MidAmerican franchise agreement is a critical moment to make this commitment a reality, building-in accountability for the city and for MidAmerican. Other cities in Iowa have franchise agreements that offer exit clauses throughout their contract. It is a common part of such agreements. Des Moines residents and city leaders are not being unreasonable to request it.
It is time to remind city leaders that the residents they represent want them to govern in alignment with their clean energy commitment. A 13-year agreement can work if we can build in cancellation windows at year three (2025) and year eight (2030). This creates a time to check in along the way, to ensure that MidAmerican is also doing its part to meet clean energy targets.
The City of Des Moines will hold the third and final required reading of the MidAmerican franchise agreement this Monday, May 23. Our communities and our climate are too important to sign away our only leverage until 2035 when it will be too late to correct course. Tell the Des Moines City Council before this meeting that you support holding MidAmerican accountable to their promises by adding three- and eight-year cancellation windows in the upcoming franchise agreement.