|  | Breaking News: Iowa Leads Nation, Wind Energy Soars to 60% Iowa reached an impressive clean energy milestone in 2020, according to data recently released from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). Iowa produced the highest percentage of electricity by wind of any state, at 59.6%. This figure represents a sharp increase from 2019, which had the state at 42% electricity from wind. “It’s exciting to see Iowa’s early investments in wind energy and transmission infrastructure pay off,” says the Iowa Environmental Council’s energy program director Kerri Johannsen. “We are proud of this achievement and look forward to continued investments in renewables in the state, which have already generated millions in the form of local property tax dollars and lease payments to landowners.” | | | | |  | Legislature Passes Protections for the Methane Gas Industry On Monday the Senate considered the gas protection bill, ultimately passing the House version 29-16. The bill will now move to the governor’s desk. The Senate considered and rejected an amendment to specify that the bill would not interfere with local alternative energy goals, which would have protected local actions to promote renewable energy. The bill protects methane and propane gas companies while creating a host of problems for Iowans. IEC was disappointed the senate took up the bill and quickly passed it, and hope the governor will not support it. | | |  | State's Largest Solar Farm Planned for Former Nuclear Plant Site Last month, NextEra Energy announced it will be transitioning its recently decommissioned nuclear plant in Linn County into a massive solar energy project. When constructed, the solar farm will become the largest in Iowa, generating 690 megawatts of solar energy. The proposal also includes plans bring 60 MW of battery storage online to help optimize demand. The project is expected to create 300 construction jobs, along with $41.6M in tax revenue and $50M in payments to landowners. | | |  | Federal Infrastructure Plan Could Lead to Big Clean Energy Investment Today, the Biden Administration released the first half of its much-anticipated infrastructure plan, which would allocate $2 trillion over the next eight years for improvements to the nation's aging infrastructure. The proposal would carve out funding for several clean energy incentives, including public transit, grid modernization, electric vehicle incentives, disaster resilience, and more. The plan also seeks to create a "Clean Electricity Standard," which would mandate certain thresholds for electricity created by zero-carbon sources like wind and solar to be met. | | | | |  | | | Our action alerts help supporters connect with their representatives about important environmental issues in a quick and easy manner. Visit our Take Action alert page learn more and to take action today. | | |  | | | The 2021 Legislative Session is still in full swing. Visit our legislative portal to see enhanced resources, including energy program priorities for 2021, our latest weekly summary, the bill tracker, and more. | | |  | | | Need useful tools when engaging in conversations about clean energy in Iowa? Our regularly updated Solar, Wind, and Solar State Investment Tax Credit fact sheets provide the stats you need. | | | | Upcoming Council and 100% Iowa Events | |  | Energy Justice & Resilience Conversation Join 100% Iowa on April 28 for the premiere of our Energy Resiliency & Justice Conversation, featuring a lineup of impactful voices from all corners of the state. Climate change is causing extreme and unpredictable weather events that pose bigger threats to our energy infrastructure. Prolonged outages, higher utility bills, and food and water shortages are among the many impacts of climate-related disasters. Now more than ever, we need to look into overcoming challenges and finding opportunities on how Iowa can improve its overall energy system to ensure that it is both resilient and equitable. Register today to join us for this discussion, aimed to inspire Iowans to turn ideas into action as we strategically and collectively work to combat the climate crisis while centering on environmental justice. | | |  | IEC Wild & Scenic Film Festival 2021 On April 17, IEC is bringing the Wild & Scenic Film Festival to Iowa, featuring films and panels that will spark conversation about making Iowa a better place to live, work, and explore! The event features films focusing on climate change, clean water, clean energy, and environmental justice: - Inspirational films: Nature Now, Words Have Power, and A Mother's Love
- Environmental justice films: Puri, Common Ground, and Barriers to Bridges
Ty Rushing will host the films and conversations with IEC staff about Iowa's impacts and place in larger efforts on clean water, renewable energy, healthy land, and environmental justice. Don't wait, get your tickets today! | | | | Upcoming Member & Partner Events | | 3/31 - THRIVE Day of Action, Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement 4/6 - Redlining and the Climate Crisis, EPA's Environmental Justice and Systemic Racism Speaker Series 4/7 - Conversations about Carbon, ISU Bioeconomy Institute 4/7 - Supporting Underrepresented Students in Sustainability, UI Office of Sustainability 4/7 - Renewing a Human Rights Agenda: The Climate Crisis, UI Center for Human Rights 4/7 - 4/8 - Workshop: Building a Resilient Community Using Distributed Energy Resources, DOE's Solar Energy Technologies Office 4/15 - Student Sustainability Forum, ISU - Live Green! 4/15 - Asking Your Legislators To Take Climate Action: A Guide To Meeting With Your Elected Officials, Defend Our Future 4/17 - IEC's Wild & Scenic Film Festival 2021 4/19 - A Conversation on Climate Science, Policy and Justice with Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, UI Office of Sustainability 4/21 - Environmental Brunch Seminar: Tony Kraus - Iowa's Initiative for Sustainable Communities, UI Earth and Environmental Sciences 4/22 - Virtual Earth Day Event!, Clayton County Energy District 4/21 - Round Table Discussion on Underrepresentation in Sustainability, UI Office of Sustainability 4/30 - IEC Legislative Lunches Have an upcoming event we don't have listed here? Send it to us at iecmail@iaenvironment.org | | | | | 505 Fifth Ave. Suite 850 Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2317 515-244-1194 | | | | | |