| Decarbonization Goals: How Does "24/7 Carbon-Free Energy" Stack Up? Earlier this year, Des Moines made headlines with the passage of an ambitious city-wide 100% clean energy resolution. If these announcements are starting to sound familiar to you, there’s a reason why — to date, over 170 cities across the country have committed to 100% clean energy, and that list is expected to grow. So what exactly makes the news out of Des Moines so groundbreaking? That answer boils down to its unique “24/7 carbon-free energy” language. If that term alone leaves you with more questions than answers, you’re not alone. That’s why IEC created a short video to fill in some of the blanks. | | |  | | |  | Building a stronger power grid With extreme weather conditions on the rise, grid reliability is at the forefront of many conversations across the county this week. Michael Goggin, Vice President at Grid Strategies LLC explored this topic as guest contributor for IEC's blog. Rather than misplacing blame on renewable energy, as some clean energy critics were quick to do amid last week's crisis, Goggin insists that we should evaluate the shortcomings of the system as a whole, and look to renewable resources as a potential solution, rather than the problem. | | |  | IEC's Racial Justice Work Continues In light of the important discourse surrounding racial justice work this past year, IEC has taken time to reflect on our organizations' values and actions following the release of our organizational statement last June. To stay accountable and transparent, IEC recently shared an update on our progress and steps we've taken as an organization both internally and externally. We recognize that our work has just begun, and want to share updates as we work to build a more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive coalition. | | |  | Energy Efficiency Can Aid Iowa's Electric Grid The climate crisis will require Iowans to examine all the tools we have available to us as we look at improving our state's grid resiliency and becoming better prepared to respond to disasters. Dr. Brian Campbell, IEC's Executive Director, and one of IEC's original founders David Osterberg examined the critical role energy efficiency plays in this planning process. Energy efficiency offers an attractive, low-cost solution to energy management that also helps to keep homes safe in the event of an emergency. | | | | | | Our Legislative News Portal got an update this year. Visit the portal to see enhanced resources, including energy program priorities for 2021, our latest weekly summary, the bill tracker, and more. | | | | Need useful tools when engaging in conversations about clean energy in Iowa? Our revised Solar, Wind, and Solar State Investment Tax Credit fact sheets, updated for 2021, provide the stats you need. | | | | Last spring, IEC unveiled the Road to 100% Renewable, comparing a dozen recent studies on renewable energy needs by 2050. View our webinar to learn more about the publication and our recommendations. | | | | Upcoming Council and 100% Iowa Events | |  | Join IEC tomorrow, February 25 for our annual Environmental Advocacy Day. Hear from environmental advocates and legislators, participate in a free advocacy training session, and network with environmental organizations and other Iowans engaged in this work. We're excited to offer two engaging events as a part of Advocacy Day this year, including a new social event — Environmental Mixology Fundraiser. It's not too late to get involved! Visit our event page for details. | | |  | Last month, 100% Iowa launched its Clean Power Hour networking series, which will continue into the months ahead. These informal, online networking events offer Iowans a chance to connect with clean energy supporters in their area and learn about ways to get involved in the clean energy transition. Keep an eye on the events page for announcements about future meetings and registration details! | | | | Upcoming Member & Partner Events | | 2/25 - IEC's Environmental Advocacy Day 2/25 - Climate Action and Communities of Color, City of Iowa City 2/25 - The Strategic Future of the Solar Supply Chain, Infocast Webinar Series 3/1 - The Quest for Environmental and Climate Justice, Iowa State University 3/4 - 100% Iowa's Clean Power Hour Virtual Networking Event, Jefferson and Wapello Counties 3/4 - Looking Toward the Future of Finance, Infocast Webinar Series 3/10 - Carbon Removal Forum, Iowa State University 3/11 - The Solar + Storage PPA, Infocast Webinar Series 3/15 - ECO Book Discussion: All We Can Save - truth, courage, and solutions for the climate crisis, ICPL 3/16 - 3/17 - Storage Market Opportunities, Contracting & Finance, Infocast Webinar Series 3/20 - ECO Book Discussion: The Grid by Gretchen Bakke, ICPL 3/26 - IEC's Legislative Lunch 3/31 - Hedging for New Use Cases: Battery Storage, Proxy Generation, and Affiliate Swaps, Infocast Webinar Series Have an event in the new year we don't have listed here? Send it to us at iecmail@iaenvironment.org | | | | | 505 Fifth Ave. Suite 850 Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2317 515-244-1194 | | | | | |